Show Fun

  SHOW FUN Black Standard Schnauzer News

Sired by Schwarzeneger Arnold de Manso Pelegri and Bardwoods Royal Shadow:

-- Bardwoods Royal Shadow is a "Leading Producer" from a single litter, pups sired by Schwarzeneger Arnold de Manso Pelegri 

-- Rocky celebrates group 3 and group 4 wins in November at Florida shows 

-- Bardwoods Regal Pelegri (Kiba) finishes her Championship going Best of Winners for her last major 

-- Bardwoods Black Prince (Rocky) celebrates his Championship after only 14 days of showing 

-- Bardwoods Ebony Dream finishes her Championship going Best of Breed from the classes over specials (pictured below) 


Kitrii  <-- First place in age class at National Specialty 2009.  MAJOR Pointed. 

Chipper (Jessie)  <-- First Major, Herding, and Reserve at National Specialty weekend 2009 by winning the Open Class


Onyx's brother ANGUS wins 2 majors at the following shows:


Elkhart's ONYX - click to enlarge New picture of Onyx posted

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We are members of the Standard Schnauzer Club of America (SSCA)